Holiday closure notice: Closed 25th, 26th December & 01st January. No other closures. 


Single Use Dental Instruments and Community Dental Service

We had the privilege of exhibiting our instruments at the 2017 CDS Annual Presidential & Scientific Meeting. In conjunction with the British Dental Association and hosted by CDS President Elect Diana Gould, the aim of the conference was to identify and address the daily challenges that are faced by professionals working within community dental services.

What Does It Mean To Be A Community Dental Service?

Community Dental Services focus on delivering clinical dental and oral health promotion services within the UK. A large majority of the patients that are referred to them require specialist care. To manage these patients, the CDS offers multiple services to ensure that everyone can receive treatment. Attending both adults and children, the cases they handle are varied and extremely challenging. Patient issues can range from extreme dental related anxiety, physical or learning disabilities, medical conditions, children listed on the ‘at-risk register’, patients with complex needs to those with mental health problems.

With such diverse patient profiles comes the necessity to offer irregular service locations as not all patients can travel to a typical clinic. Their sites currently span from prisons to hospitals, specialist health centres to mobile clinics and domiciliary care.

What Can Single Use Offer?

We felt privileged to meet people in the CDS and get a deeper understanding of the service they provide. We were able to highlight areas that may not have been previously considered for single-use alternatives. During the seminar recess, we talked with many of the attendees about their daily concerns and how single use can help.

Logistical Practicality

The nature of the CDS is to perform treatment in a variety of environments, often these are not permanent and will require the transportation of clinical equipment. Eliminating the need for sterilisation equipment, our instruments minimize logistical difficulties as they can easily be transported to and from various locations. For this reason alone, they are already incredibly popular in mobile dental units.

Time To Spend On The Task At Hand

Dealing with situations of increased difficulty, the CDS team needs as little distraction as possible. Disposable instruments reduce time spent on patient set-up, reprocessing and sorting instruments, allowing the clinicians to focus their attention on the patient.

Single Use is a concept that can resolve many issues within dentistry as it has done already for other medical fields. Why not contact us today to chat about what our instruments can bring to your clinic!